Parent Teacher Conferences We need parent feedback! We are looking into changing our Parent/Teacher conference schedules to be more aligned with both teacher and parent needs. Please take a moment to fill out the survey:
11 months ago, WBSD7
WBSD7 Logo
YEARBOOK INFORMATION: All yearbooks can be purchased from the library! Thank you for your support!
12 months ago, Rickard Elementary School
Rickard Elementary will be selling our 2022-2023 yearbooks. The cost is $5. Students must bring their money upfront in order to receive their yearbook! Thank you!
12 months ago, Rickard Elementary School
To our amazing teachers!
12 months ago, Rickard Elementary School
To our amazing teachers!
Our third math trivia winners for Reading/Math Month.
almost 1 year ago, Rickard Elementary School
To our incredible P.E. teacher!
about 1 year ago, Rickard Elementary School
To our fearless leader!
about 1 year ago, Rickard Elementary School
Our second math trivia winners for Reading/Math Month!
about 1 year ago, Rickard Elementary School
For the last day of school May, 25th there will be an early out. Students will be dismissed at 11am. 
about 1 year ago, Levi Sanford
To our amazing administrative assistant!
about 1 year ago, Rickard Elementary School
Our first math trivia winners for Reading/Math Month!
about 1 year ago, Rickard Elementary School
Williston Basin School District Boundary Community Discussion will be held on April 26th and April 27th starting at 5:30 PM at Hagan Elementary School. What Will this discussion look like? WBSD#7 is utilizing RSP & Associates consulting firm to guide us through a boundary discussion and decision-making process. We will host two community forums in April where RSP will gather input and feedback from all stakeholders in the community on this topic. RSP will then provide this information for the District and the Board to use to make the best decisions they can for our students and community. Boundary Discussion Timeline Phase 1 (Spring 2023) Create attendance area for only Missouri Ridge K-5 Enrollment. Utilize elementary facility capacity efficiently to relieve over-capacity challenges at Hagan Elementary. Tentative Timeline March 2023: RSP completes 2022/23 Enrollment Analysis. March to April 2023: RSP begins drafting boundary concept(s) for Missouri Ridge Elementary (to serve K-5) April 2023: Administration provides feedback on Missouri Ridge boundary concept(s) April 26-27: Public input opportunities for feedback on Missouri Ridge boundary concept(s) May 2023: BOE approves Missouri Ridge boundary for implementation in 2023/24 school year.
about 1 year ago, Levi Sanford
To our amazing paraprofessionals!
about 1 year ago, Rickard Elementary School
REMINDER: Parent-Teacher Conferences
about 1 year ago, Rickard Elementary School
Ms. Osbourne and her music classes have been learning to play with boomwackers and practicing how to write music symbols!
about 1 year ago, Rickard Elementary School
REMINDER: Book Fair is up this week at school! Students will be shopping for books during the classroom time on the 20th, 21st, and 22nd. Book fair will also be open during parent teacher conferences from 4:00-6:30 PM on the 21st and 23rd!
about 1 year ago, Rickard Elementary School
Happy Spring Break, Rickard Roadrunners!
about 1 year ago, Rickard Elementary School
Reminder that there is no school March 13th - 17th for all students! Enjoy your Spring Break!
about 1 year ago, Levi Sanford
Spring Break
Students in the fourth grade were able to explore some of the STEM bins that were bought throughout this year. This is part of our STEM library that all Rickard staff will have access to check out for their classes to use. Mrs. Lippert and Mrs. Carnes received $20,000 from the Northwest North Dakota Community Foundation Grayson Mill Energy STEM Education Fellowship. Thank you for spending the time and effort to purchase and put together these items for our students! This will be an amazing addition to our school!
about 1 year ago, Rickard Elementary School
The fourth graders went to an FFA sponsored field trip at Williston State College.
about 1 year ago, Rickard Elementary School